
give your boards a 2nd try

about me

I was born in the year ´85.

I got my 1st try on a skateboard at the age of eight years and I loved it.

Unfortunatly I´m not able to do it anymore due to different injury related problems.

So i decided to pass on my creativity from the board to the board.


time will tell

This is my stock

of grinded trucks

and broken skateboards,

for which I am immensely grateful

to my friends and acquaintances!

get rid of the grip

This work sucks

but it's part of it

like falling down

and getting up stronger.

things go right

It satisfies me 

when I realize,

that a design idea

works completly.

right here right now

May the creativity

be infinite

so that many more

favourite styles

can be found.

It feels like

real success!
